G20C2076.jpgVolunteer Community Saxophone, String, Guitar and Oud Teachers needed

to participate in the “Music and Resilience” Summer Music Camp in Lebanon, last 2 weeks in June 2018.

We are looking for community-trained musicians with the following competences:

  • desire to work with young Palestinian and Syrian refugees;
  • fluent music reading ability;
  • capacity to work with heterogeneous groups;
  • capacity to teach basic music theory elements creatively (through games);

The music camp, led by Prima Materia’s musical director Henry Brown and other staff members, will begin on Saturday 16th June, with workshops near 2 camp locations in Saida and Tarablus (Sidon and Tripoli), followed by a residential course outside Tarablus and concluding with a presentation concert on Saturday 30th June.

Project funds will cover journey, insurance, accommodation and necessary local expenses in Lebanon (ALL “M&R” staff work voluntarily).

If you are interested, please contact us at info@musicandresilience.net or info@primamateria.it with a motivation letter and a copy of your CV.