On Saturday 29 June, at the Civic – urban innovation laboratory in Mazara del Vallo (TP), Music and Resilience, music as good practice to support the community was held.

This event, organised by Casa della Comunità Speranza, Prima Materia and Music & Resilience, in collaboration with the Conservatory of Palermo (through the Erasmus+ project KA171) and the Municipality of Mazara del Vallo, discussed experiences and testimonies of music and music therapy activities in Lebanon, Palestine, Tunisia and Italy.

The evening began with a wonderful performance by the girls and boys of the Casa della Comunità Speranza summer camp with some of the musical activities carried out in the previous days during the Music & Resilience workshop.
Afterwards, Sister Alessandra Martin and Rossella Di Giovanni (Casa della Comunità Speranza) spoke about the musical workshop experience carried out during those days.

Music & Resilience was then introduced and finally, music therapist Rihab Jebali, president of the National Association of Tunisian Music Therapy, spoke about the use of music therapy in clinical contexts in Tunisia and Palestine.