During 2024 Music & Resilience started to collaborate with Mediterranea Saving Humans on their supply missions in Ukraine. Mediterranea has been operating in Ukraine since the beginning of the Russian invasion, providing human and material support to refugee populations.

During 2024, M&R participated in 3 resupply missions, adding their musical activities to the donations for refugees in the Lviv area. The last of these missions was from 29 December to 6 January, involving Alberto, Marco, Maria and Sara.

We worked alongside the Mediterranea Saving Humans volunteers: the collaboration was great and we are very happy and honoured to be able to work with such like-minded and kind-hearted people. We offered our psychosocial music activities to all generations of refugee people, from children to adults, from teenagers to elders, and it was always beautiful.

This is a very different context from the Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon, where we have always worked: however, we realised how the existential state of the ‘refugee’ (uprooting, confusion, total uncertainty about the future, lack of understanding, anger, powerlessness) is the same everywhere. We learned a lot from the Ukrainian people, and we hope to have brought some moments of unity beyond the languages, the bombings, the cold, the confusion: unity in music and the sound of hearts beating together in resistance.