Sponsors & Friends


[2015-2022] Taawon – Welfare Association Lebanon

Taawon is the main sponsor of Music & Resilience. Through Welfare’s support, we have been able to meet one of our primary objectives for the development and sustainability of music resources, namely the establishment of a dedicated central coordination in Beirut, which is indispensable for communication with foreign partners, project monitoring, and for the future development of sharing between the various music initiatives. Welfare is also supporting the work of the local music teacher and music therapists in their daily activities.


Music & Resilience and Banda Senza Frontiere (Band Without Borders) are developed in the context of international cooperation as complementary programmes throughout the partnership between the heading associations Prima Materia and ULAIA ArteSud, together with the local partner National Institute for Social Care and Vocational Training NISCVT “Beit Atfal Assomoud” (House of the Resilient Children).
  • Banda Senza Frontiere (heading ULAIA) is sponsored by the Otto per Mille funds of the Chiesa Valdese and is supported by Assopace Mola di Bari.
  • Music & Resilience (heading Prima Materia) is co-financed by the Region of Tuscany for the period 2013-15, and supported by an extensive partnership; Province of Florence, Union of Empolese-Valdelsa Municipalities, municipalities of Montespertoli and San Casciano Val di Pesa, ARCI (Italian Association of Recreation and Culture), Eràm Music Therapists Florence, Ulaia Artesud ONLUS Rome, Peace Association Mola di Bari, Finnish Psychologists for Social Responsability.


Here’s a brief account of the associations, institutions, organizations and individuals we are meeting on our way. With them we are sharing interests and targets, cooperating for old and new projects or we are just friends!