Category: Community Music Programme
Reportage on Summer 2016
We invite you to take a look at the beautiful photo reportage of the activities of project Music And Resilience in summer 2016. The photos are courtesy of our great friend Francesco Sonetti, who followed most of the actions of the project with his loyal camera! To see the photo album, follow this link.
M&R Annual Report 2017
We are happy to publish the Full Report of our activities and progress in Music and Resilience for the period September 2016-October 2017. It has been a busy year with many challenges, but also a lot of satisfaction. M&R Full Report 2017 Warm thanks to all the organizations who have contributed: our local partner in Lebanon 'Beit Atfal Assumoud'; Welfare Association Lebanon; Ulaia Artesud Rome Italy; the staff and student team from MARS, EU funded Erasmus Plus project; the School of Music Therapy, Assisi Italy; Municipality of Montespertoli Italy; Cheap Street Methodist Church community, Sherborne UK; and special thanks to our [...]
It’s all happening now!
A small window on the extensive Summer Music program now taking place in the refugee camps of Beddawi, Wavel and in Saida, involving around 60 Palestinian and Syrian children and adolescents. This year the team of 16 music teachers, facilitators and students comes from Italy, France, Spain and UK, including trainees from our Erasmus Plus project MARS. Many more photos and stories are available here. A special thank-you to our friends and sponsors who have donated funds and instruments from all over Europe and beyond - your contribution is essential and you are all with us in mind and heart. [...]
Preparing the Summer Music Camps in Lebanon
The PM M&R and MARS teams and supporters are getting ready for the July Summer Music Camps with Assumoud, to be held in the Beddawi and Saida centres, involving children in the Community Music groups, with a residential course for 30 children in the mountains, before the final concert in Saida on 15th July. A new workshop will be offered in Wavel Camp, Baalbek, where there has been no music activity, and there are no instruments ... ... so we are making them! Here are some photos of preparations for one of the the xylophone kits, which will be assembled [...]
Fund raising evening for M&R
Thank you to everyone who contributed to the success of our "Serata Palestinese" on 18th March; a highly enjoyable evening with presentation conference, a delicious Arabic supper, and lots of music. Funds raised will go towards covering the live costs of this year's project actions, the next of which starts next week: a 10-day Community Music workshop in Beddawi and Saida refugee camps, led by Prima Materia and supported by MARS training students from Italy, Spain and UK.
Planning for April …
Beddawi Community Music group at work, Friday 3rd March 2017. This week PM has completed follow-up visits to Beddawi and Saida Community Music groups, for detailed planning of the April workshops, when a team of 6 musicians from Italy, Spain and UK (including 4 students from the Erasmus Plus MARS project) will work with children and trainers for 8 days, in preparation for the Summer program. Follow-up was also provided for the Music Therapy research project; data collection is planned during 2017, prior to analysis and presentation in 2018.
Report M&R 2016
Here is the full report of our actions in 2016: we invite you to read what we were able to achieve in the Music Therapy and Community Music programs, and how much it meant for some of the children involved: mr-full-report-for-sponsors-and-donors-nov-2016 Thank you, as always, to our many sponsors and donors, who enable us to continue this work; institutional funding is harder and harder to find, and we rely on the initiative of well-wishers in their continued support. You can donate via our crowd-funding campaign - thank you!
Final Concert of Summer Music Camp, Beddawi, 14th August 2016
August 2016 – M&R continues …
We are just back from a 3 week stay in Lebanon, continuing M&R in both its aspects of Music Therapy (MT) and Community Music (CM). The Prima Materia team numbered 12, including the project coordinators, 6 CM teachers, 2 MT trainees, and 2 volunteers. Thank you to everyone who supported this mission in our crowd-funding campaign, which is still open, for anyone else who wishes to contribute to M&R! And many thanks also to Welfare Association Lebanon for the direct funding to Assumoud in support of M&R. […]
Support Music & Resilience 2016!
We just started a crowdfunding campaign on to support project Music and Resilience in summer 2016. This year a group of volunteer teachers and students from Prima Materia will follow and develop the musical resources in two refugee camps together with our partner Beit Atfal Assumoud بيت اطفال الصمود. Support us on