Category: Events

25Sep, 2022

M&R at the 3rd Mediterranean Music Therapy Meeting

By |September 25, 2022|Events|

On September 24th the 3rd Mediterranean Music Therapy Meeting took place in Padua, a conference organized by the "Giovanni Ferrari" music therapy school of Padua, in which music therapy professionals from the Mediterranean area met to discuss the topic "musical spaces in music therapy, between the analog and digital world". Alberto Balducci of Music & Resilience was invited to speak at the conference, where he presented a speech entitled "Did COVID matter for Palestinian refugees in Lebanon?". In his speech, Alberto introduced the Music & Resilience project and summarized the history of the Palestinian refugee community in Lebanon, describing its [...]

16Nov, 2019

M&R at the 6th World Forum on Music, Paris October 2019

By |November 16, 2019|Events|

Here I am in Paris, to represent the Music & Resilience project at the 6th World Forum on Music organised by the International Music Council. The forum just wrapped up a couple of hours ago and I am quite overwhelmed by the massive amount of ideas & great vibes shared with kindred spirits from all around the world who share our same vision in music as a tool for social change! we were showing a big poster explaining the M&R project (among the others who won, like us, the 5 Music Rights Award in the past) and I managed to [...]

17May, 2019

M&R contributions to Assumoud’s Mental Health Conference, October 2018

By |May 17, 2019|Community Music Programme, Events, Music Therapy Programme|

     Prima Materia contributed to Assumoud's annual Mental Health Conference with a paper by Deborah Parker on the Musicality of Infant-Parent Communication and a workshop for conference participants on Vocality by Emiliano Nigi. Emiliano also trained Assumoud staff for 2 days on vocal techniques.    The Community Music groups in Beddawi and Saida continued working with musical director Henry Brown, in preparation for the 2019 actions, which were discussed in meetings with Assumoud and the project's main sponsor, Taawon Lebanon مؤسسة التعاون - لبنان.

11Jul, 2017

It’s all happening now!

By |July 11, 2017|Community Music Programme, Events, Support and sponsorship|

A small window on the extensive Summer Music program now taking place in the refugee camps of Beddawi, Wavel and in Saida, involving around 60 Palestinian and Syrian children and adolescents. This year the team of 16 music teachers, facilitators and students comes from Italy, France, Spain and UK, including trainees from our Erasmus Plus project MARS. Many more photos and stories are available here. A special thank-you to our friends and sponsors who have donated funds and instruments from all over Europe and beyond - your contribution is essential and you are all with us in mind and heart. [...]

31Mar, 2017

Fund raising evening for M&R

By |March 31, 2017|Community Music Programme, Events, Support and sponsorship|

Thank you to everyone who contributed to the success of our "Serata Palestinese" on 18th March; a highly enjoyable evening with presentation conference, a delicious Arabic supper, and lots of music. Funds raised will go towards covering the live costs of  this year's project actions, the next of which starts next week: a 10-day Community Music workshop in Beddawi and Saida refugee camps, led by Prima Materia and supported by MARS training students from Italy, Spain and UK.  

18May, 2016

Follow-up M&R, NISCVT Annual Conference, March-May 2016

By |May 18, 2016|Community Music Programme, Events, Music Therapy Programme|

After our follow-up meetings in March for the Music Therapy and Comunity Music programmes of M&R, Prima Materia is in Lebanon for participation in Assumoud's 10th Annual Conference on Mental Health, with a paper presented by Dario Gentili: 'Shared Roots and Chosen Routes: Indentity and Community Care in the Palestinian Refugee Camps in Lebanon'. Other days were spent visiting the projects in the camp locations of Saida, Beirut and Beddawi, and in planning meetings with coordinators and donors for the project's continuation, in particular for the Community Summer Camp to be held in August, supported by a team of 10 [...]

10Mar, 2016

M&R at the 7th Lancet Palestinian Health Alliance Conference

By |March 10, 2016|Events, Music Therapy Programme|

We were honoured to be able to present the results of M&R music therapy at the LPHA conference in Amman, 7-8 March 2016. The conference brought medics and researchers from many countries together to discuss strategies for supporting the health of Palestinians living under permanent harassment and threat by the Israeli occupation in Palestine and the West Bank, in particular under the drastic siege conditions in Gaza, and as diaspora refugee communities without rights. read more ...  

14Jan, 2015

Press Release, Montespertoli, 12th January 2015

By |January 14, 2015|Events, Support and sponsorship|

“Music and Resilience” Orientation for the 2nd year of International Cooperation On Friday 9th January 2015 in the Town hall, Montespertoli, the guidelines for the 2nd year of Prima Materia’s project “Music and Resilience” were illustrated to the public, who were able to witness how international cooperation enriches the proponent communities as much, if not more than the ‘beneficiaries’. […]

7Jan, 2015

Orientation seminars in Tuscany

By |January 7, 2015|Events, Music Therapy Programme|

Prima Materia promotes two public events in collaboration with partners in the project “Music and Resilience” – Region of Tuscany, Province of Florence, Municipality of Montespertoli, the Italo-Palestinian friendship Association and Assopace Palestina: Thursday, 8th January, Siena; Friday, 9th January, Montespertoli. Music & Resilience – Seminars 8th, 9th Jan (PDF – ITA) For the occasion Mr Mohamad Orabi will be the honoured guest of Prima Materia for 10 days in January 2015. Mr Orabi is supervisor for the music therapy team of NISCVT ‘Beit Atfal Assumoud’, the local partner of ‘Music and Resilience’. […]

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