Category: Partnership and cooperation

24Aug, 2015

A happy ending

By |August 24, 2015|Partnership and cooperation|

With a final training and follow-up led by Deborah we have closed the operative part for the project Psycho-Social Music Training which we have been developing with Nai Foundation (Austria) and Sonbola Education Initiative (Lebanon). Over the next weeks we will be finalizing the documentation and final accounting. Read here for the final documentation: Report training and follow-up 17-22 August 2015

1Aug, 2015

Orientation Meeting for Volunteers

By |August 1, 2015|Community Music Programme, Music Therapy Programme, Partnership and cooperation|

We held our 2nd M&R Orientation Meeting, 10th-11th July, for volunteers and training students. Liliane Younes and Mohamad Orabi from Assumoud were with us, and were able to update information about the project's development. 2 music therapy training students from the Assisi school will be with us in Lebanon in late August, working in Saida with Mohamad Orabi and the team there.

17May, 2015

M&R, May 2015, Beirut

By |May 17, 2015|Community Music Programme, Music Therapy Programme, Partnership and cooperation|

We have so many friends in Lebanon now. We're always so happy to return and to continue our work with Beit Atfal Assumoud and the Palestinian refugee community. We've just attended Assumoud's 9th Annual Conference, and conducted follow-up meetings for project planning. And we have had the great pleasure of Mercedes Pavlicevic's company and contribution to M&R ... Read more here Final report M&R May 2015

27Nov, 2014

Letter from the Bekaa valley

By |November 27, 2014|Partnership and cooperation|

23rd November 2014 Dear all, here I am, at the end of my week in Marej, a small town in West Bekaa, overcome by this new chapter of our projects in Lebanon, this time in support of the Syrian refugees. We are 20 km from the Syrian border, and about 40 km from Damascus. What new things can I tell you, with respect to ‘Music and Resilience’ so far? Certainly, the project is similar to our work with the Palestinian refugee community; I am training teachers and care workers in ‘psycho-social music education’, in other words, the use of music [...]

26Nov, 2014

Psycho-social music training in support of Syrian refugees

By |November 26, 2014|Partnership and cooperation|

We have just completed the first phase of our new project in support of the Syrian refugee population of Lebanon, in collaboration with Sonbola Education Initiative (Lebanon) and Nai Foundation (Austria). Deborah Parker spent a week in the Sonbola education centre in Marej, (a small locality near Chtaura in the Bekaa valley), training a group of teachers and support workers in psycho-social music pedagogy, to develop their strategies for caring for children in the refugee camps nearby. The camps involved were Tarib al Saida and Tall Waza Camp. […]

25Oct, 2014

Solidarity for Lebanon’s young Syrian refugees

By |October 25, 2014|Community Music Programme, Partnership and cooperation|

Prima Materia is beginning a new project in support of the young Syrian refugee population based in Lebanon, in partnership with SONBOLA, a registered educational initiative under the French Umbrella NGO CODSSY in France, which works on providing quality education and interactive learning for Syrian refugee children in Bekaa while investing in empowering and developing teaching skills of Syrian professionals, and Nai Foundation Austria, which is financing the project. Prima Materia will provide training in psycho-social music education for 15 teachers working in the Bekaa valley with Syrian children. The first course, which will be led by Deborah Parker, is [...]

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