Category: Support and sponsorship

12Feb, 2017

Report M&R 2016

By |February 12, 2017|Community Music Programme, Music Therapy Programme, Support and sponsorship, Uncategorized|

Here is the full report of our actions in 2016: we invite you to read what we were able to achieve in the Music Therapy and Community Music programs, and how much it meant for some of the children involved: mr-full-report-for-sponsors-and-donors-nov-2016 Thank you, as always, to our many sponsors and donors, who enable us to continue this work; institutional funding is harder and harder to find, and we rely on the initiative of well-wishers in their continued support. You can donate via our crowd-funding campaign - thank you!

24Aug, 2016

August 2016 – M&R continues …

By |August 24, 2016|Community Music Programme, Music Therapy Programme, Support and sponsorship|

We are just back from a 3 week stay in Lebanon, continuing M&R in both its aspects of Music Therapy (MT) and Community Music (CM). The Prima Materia team numbered 12, including the project coordinators, 6 CM teachers, 2 MT trainees, and 2 volunteers. Thank you to everyone who supported this mission in our crowd-funding campaign, which is still open, for anyone else who wishes to contribute to M&R! And many thanks also to Welfare Association Lebanon for the direct funding to Assumoud in support of M&R. […]

2Jul, 2016

Support Music & Resilience 2016!

By |July 2, 2016|Community Music Programme, Music Therapy Programme, Support and sponsorship, Uncategorized|

We just started a crowdfunding campaign on to support project Music and Resilience in summer 2016. This year a group of volunteer teachers and students from Prima Materia will follow and develop the musical resources in two refugee camps together with our partner Beit Atfal Assumoud بيت اطفال الصمود. Support us on

1Jul, 2016

New video online

By |July 1, 2016|Community Music Programme, Music Therapy Programme, Support and sponsorship|

Here it comes! We have just published a new video about last two years in Music and Resilience project, it is available in the Multimedia section of the blog! The documentary covers the activities in the Community Music and Music Therapy programmes from June 2013 to November 2015. The video is part of the final documentation produced for the Region of Tuscany, main sponsor of M&R in the period 2013-2015. Enjoy the movie!

14Jan, 2015

Press Release, Montespertoli, 12th January 2015

By |January 14, 2015|Events, Support and sponsorship|

“Music and Resilience” Orientation for the 2nd year of International Cooperation On Friday 9th January 2015 in the Town hall, Montespertoli, the guidelines for the 2nd year of Prima Materia’s project “Music and Resilience” were illustrated to the public, who were able to witness how international cooperation enriches the proponent communities as much, if not more than the ‘beneficiaries’. […]

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