Euridea Srl is a private vocational training and adult education agency accredited by the Region of Tuscany. It provides educational activities and training courses, both in classroom and through the Internet, aimed at employed, unemployed and/or disadvantaged people, specializing in the fields of culture, social services and tourism.
Particularly relevant for MARS are activities related to the ACT Grundtvig learning partnership, which focused on using theater and performing arts for active citizenship education. Euridea brought to the attention of the partnership the work of CoRe, a choir that includes people living and operators working in nursing homes for the elderly in the Union of Municipalities of Empolese-Valdelsa district.
CoRe showed how to work with music to improve the conditions of elderly people living in nursing homes, creating entertaining activities to fight boredom and improve their cognitive abilities.
A CoRe performance
The ACT Grundtvig learning partnership received the "Star project" award in the UK.
Relevant activities at local level include also accredited courses for “animateurs” or educators in facilities for the elderly, the disabled or other people in need of care. Animateurs' skills include a basic knowledge of music therapy principles and, more generally, the ability to include music in entertainment/rehabilitation programs.
In addition, Euridea Srl will make available to the MARS partnership its expertise in design of eLearning courses, acquired in many projects run at local and European level, using Moodle and other CMS tools. This includes the transfer of innovative practices, among which are particularly worth mentioning those related to the employment of Open Badges for registration of learning achievements and promotion of one's own skills and knowledge in social networks. Euridea's experience in socio-economic research will be particularly useful in the needs analysis phase, in which it will provide both methodological and operational support, contributing to sample and questionnaires design.