Musica & Pace
On 17 May, Sara spoke about her experience in the Music & Resilience project at the Oratory of San Giovanni al Natisone (in the province of Udine). It was a wonderful evening full of intense emotions. We sincerely thank the organisers for the invitation and the wonderful welcome!
M&R T-shirts!
Thanks to a collaboration with our friends from Arché onlus and the Libera Orchestra Popolare di Marsala, we are making t-shirts for Music & Resilience! They are mde at the Sappusi Social Centre, in collaboration with the Juvenile Justice Centre of Palermo in the detached office of the Marsala Juvenile Social Services Office.
The t-shirts will be available soon for those who want to support the project, stay tuned!
Culture as weapon, identity as resistance
As part of a series of monthly events in support of the Palestinian community at this terrible moment in its history, organised by Prima Materia, yesterday Music & Resilience participated in organising the event Cultura come arma, identità come resistenza [Culture as weapon, identity as resistance] which took place in Prima Materia's premises starting at 5pm (local time). The evening featured a series of talks:
- Marco, Emilia and Luca (Music & Resilience)
- Olga Ambrosanio (founding president of ULAIA ArteSud ODV, on video call)
- Jana Alyussif (Palestinian student from Sidon, Lebanon).
Music & Resilience at the “human rights day” in Montespertoli
On 10 December, Dario moderated a debate on the humanitarian situation in Palestine organised by Music & Resilience and Prima Materia with Il Paese che vogliamo (and with the support of Il coraggio della pace disarma). Participants included:
- Luisa Morgantini, former Vice-President of the European Parliament in charge of human rights (via video connection)
- Leo Schaefer, jurist, from the Italian-Palestinian Friendship Association
- Safy Hindi, Palestinian in video connection from Nablus
- Sandra Zimbardi, photographer, who exhibited her photographs from a trip to Palestine.
European MusicTherapy Day 2023
Marco, Alberto, Jacopo, Sara and Emilia participated as main speakers in the conference entitled 'Community Music Therapy. Experiences of music therapy to support marginalised communities', organised by the 'Bruno Maderna' Conservatory of Cesena. The conference was opened by Barbara Zanchi (lecturer in music pedagogy and music therapy) and Maria Teresa [...]
Music Therapy: The Transcultural Challenge
Deborah was invited to speak about music therapy in a transcultural context at the study day of the same name organised by the Music Therapy Centre in Milan, on 28 October 2023: she presented a talk entitled 'Music therapy and transculture - problem or resource? Experiences from the Palestinian refugee [...]
Music & Resilience Sicily Tour 2023
Marco, Chiara and Alberto have just returned from a mini-tour of Sicily to deliver three presentations of Music & Resilience at some local venues: 20 October at the Associazione Finestre sul Mondo (Marsala). Salvatore Inguì of Finestre sul Mondo and the Libera Orchestra Popolare organised the meeting. 21 October at [...]
M&R activities summer 2023
The final concert is starting! The M&R team has just completed its activities for Summer 2023, which took place from 7 to 19 August. This year the team (consisting of a total of 17 people) worked separately in the first week, and then came together in Baalbek for Summer Camp [...]
Almost ready for M&R August 2023!
At Prima Materia this Saturday we hosted a large part of the Italian team to organise the imminent departure for Lebanon. The Community Music team met to work on the repertoire that will be studied with the Palestinian students and performed at the final concert on 19 August, and we [...]
Preparations for M&R activities 2023
Marco and Alberto have just returned from a field visit to Lebanon to define the activities for this August. Through a series of meetings it was decided to involve the students in a Summer Camp with a final concert, similar to last year, and also to continue with the psychosocial [...]
Music & Resilience @ CSO Pedro, Padua
On February 23, Music&Resilience’s team went to Padua, in Pedro’s Social Center, to talk about art and music as a form of resistance, in relation to our project that has been going on in Lebanon for ten years, within the Palestinians refugee camps. The evening also hosted the stories of [...]
M&R at the 9th European Music Therapy Day in Cesena
For the 9th European Music Therapy Day, the "Bruno Maderna" Conservatory in Cesena organized a music therapy conference on November 18 and 19. Alberto Balducci was invited, along with Jacopo Camillini and Sara Tosolini, to speak at the conference, to present M&R and share the work done in the August [...]