

12Aug, 2021

Lebanon, August 2021

By |August 12, 2021|Community Music Programme, Psychosocial Music Programme|

singing games Community Music rehearsals vocal awareness excercise rhythmic games with frisbees Despite extremely hard life conditions here in Lebanon, within the context of a constantly worsening economic situation, THE MUSIC MUST GO ON! Prima Materia is leading a 3-week program of follow-up for music therapy, community music and psychosocial [...]

17May, 2021

Support to Palestinian refugee Community. New article published about Music Therapy programme in Lebanon.

By |May 17, 2021|Music Therapy Programme|

Music and Resilience team is announcing the publication of a new peer-reviewed article resulting from the experience of Music Therapy work in Lebanon.   The article Music therapy as a protection strategy against toxic stress for Palestinian refugee children in Lebanon is published by the international journal 'Approaches' in [...]

15Feb, 2021

“Music and Resilience” article preview!

By |February 15, 2021|Community Music Programme, Music Therapy Programme, Partnership and cooperation, Psychosocial Music Programme, Support and sponsorship|

We are delighted to present the preview of the peer-reviewed article, "Adjusting the Pitch" written by key members of the M&R project team, Deborah Parker, Dario Gentili, Henry Brown and Alberto Balducci, which has been accepted by the international journal Voices, for publication in July 2021. Structured as an ethnographic [...]

6Dec, 2020

Finally back to Lebanon!

By |December 6, 2020|Community Music Programme, Psychosocial Music Programme|

After 9 months of waiting and hoping, at last it is possible to travel to Lebanon again. From 11th to 21st December 2020, with the support of Montespertoli council and Città Metropolitana Firenze, and on behalf of the PM M&R coordination team, Deborah Parker will lead a 10-day program of [...]

29Jan, 2020

Overview of activities M&R 18-19 – New video online

By |January 29, 2020|Community Music Programme, Music Therapy Programme, Psychosocial Music Programme|

The video presentation of the Music and Resilience 2018-19 project is online: an overview of the activities we have done during the eighth year of the project. The activities took place in the Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon in collaboration with the local partner Beit Atfal Assumoud and thanks to the [...]

16Nov, 2019

Planning for 2020

By |November 16, 2019|Community Music Programme, Music Therapy Programme, Psychosocial Music Programme|

PM coordinator Deborah Parker is completing a 10-day visit to Assumoud and the centers where M&R is active, for follow-up, monitoring and planning meetings for 2020. Unfortunately, the road closures caused by the civil demonstrations against political corruption have made travelling up North to Beddawi center impossible, but all other [...]

16Nov, 2019

M&R at the 6th World Forum on Music, Paris October 2019

By |November 16, 2019|Events|

Here I am in Paris, to represent the Music & Resilience project at the 6th World Forum on Music organised by the International Music Council. The forum just wrapped up a couple of hours ago and I am quite overwhelmed by the massive amount of ideas & great vibes shared [...]

9Aug, 2019

Summer Program 2019 completed!

By |August 9, 2019|Community Music Programme, Partnership and cooperation, Psychosocial Music Programme|

We worked hard in July - there were 17 of us, between professionals, trainees, students and volunteers, working in the Community Music groups (Saida and Beddawi) in psycho-social music support (Baalbek), and in music therapy (Beirut and Saida). We worked hard ... but we received much more ... from more [...]

9Aug, 2019

Music Therapy Studies for M&R

By |August 9, 2019|Music Therapy Programme|

Here are the 2 theses written by NISCVT psychologists Mohamad Orabi and Liliane Younes for their diploma at  the Assisi Music Therapy School (presented March 2019). Music Therapy and Toxic Stress - Mohamad Orabi Music Therapy as a Medium for Communication - Liliane Younes Together with the the M&R music [...]

10Jul, 2019

Summer Program 2019 is running!

By |July 10, 2019|Community Music Programme, Partnership and cooperation, Psychosocial Music Programme|

Our Summer program in Lebanon with Beit Atfal Assumoud is underway, with a 3-day training in psycho-social music interventions, facilitated by Deborah Parker, which brings together music teachers and students from the M&R project in Saida, Beddawi and Baalbek, Al Kamanjati project Beirut, Rashedie Music project, and KG teachers from [...]

16Jun, 2019

Music therapy research continues…

By |June 16, 2019|Music Therapy Programme, Uncategorized|

Prima Materia has just hosted a week-end of training for 3 music therapists, led by Deborah Parker (project coordinator), in order to standardize evaluation rating for the video-recorded data from the research project, investigating the efficacy of music therapy in improving the emotional and social functioning of Palestinian refugee children [...]

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