

2Jun, 2017

Preparing the Summer Music Camps in Lebanon

By |June 2, 2017|Community Music Programme|

The PM M&R and MARS teams and supporters are getting ready for the July Summer Music Camps with Assumoud, to be held in the Beddawi  and Saida centres, involving children in the Community Music groups, with a residential course for 30 children in the mountains, before the final concert in [...]

31Mar, 2017

A new donor for M&R

By |March 31, 2017|Support and sponsorship, Uncategorized|

We have just received a generous donation from Cheap Street Church, Sherborne, Dorset (UK). THANK YOU to the Church council, congregation and community for supporting M&R; we look forward to coming to present the project locally. Anyone else who would like to support M&R can do so via our crowd-funding campaign. [...]

24Aug, 2016

2nd year professional music therapy training for Assumoud psychologists

By |August 24, 2016|Music Therapy Programme, Partnership and cooperation|

The 2 Assumoud psychologists, Mohamad Orabi and Liliane Younes, have just completed their 2nd year of training at the Music Therapy School of Assisi. Assisted and tutored by Deborah Parker, they attended the 15 day intensive residential course, and passed all the exams for the 1st year subjects with high [...]

2Jul, 2016

Support Music & Resilience 2016!

By |July 2, 2016|Community Music Programme, Music Therapy Programme, Support and sponsorship, Uncategorized|

We just started a crowdfunding campaign on to support project Music and Resilience in summer 2016. This year a group of volunteer teachers and students from Prima Materia will follow and develop the musical resources in two refugee camps together with our partner Beit Atfal Assumoud بيت اطفال الصمود. [...]

5Jun, 2016

Orientation Days 2016

By |June 5, 2016|Community Music Programme, Music Therapy Programme|

  The 2016 M&R team have just held the Orientation Days, to plan for the August trip to Lebanon where we will be developing both aspects of the project: music therapy and community music with 'Beit Atfal Assumoud'.     PM staff and students, together with training students and voluntary [...]

31May, 2016

diario di un viaggio infinito …

By |May 31, 2016|Uncategorized|

Pubblicato dai nostri amici dell'associazione PerCorsi nella rivista quadrimestrale PerCorsi Bio Salute (febbraio 2016: anno VIII: n°1) un articolo sullo scambio M&R 2013. Scritto dalla coordinatrice dello scambio, Rebecca Brown, e una delle giovani partecipanti, Silvia Filipponi, con estratti dei diari che i ragazzi hanno tenuti durante la permanenza di [...]

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