Orientation Days 2016
The 2016 M&R team have just held the Orientation Days, to plan for the August trip to Lebanon where we will be developing both aspects of the project: music therapy and community music with 'Beit Atfal Assumoud'. PM staff and students, together with training students and voluntary [...]
diario di un viaggio infinito …
Pubblicato dai nostri amici dell'associazione PerCorsi nella rivista quadrimestrale PerCorsi Bio Salute (febbraio 2016: anno VIII: n°1) un articolo sullo scambio M&R 2013. Scritto dalla coordinatrice dello scambio, Rebecca Brown, e una delle giovani partecipanti, Silvia Filipponi, con estratti dei diari che i ragazzi hanno tenuti durante la permanenza di [...]
Follow-up M&R, NISCVT Annual Conference, March-May 2016
After our follow-up meetings in March for the Music Therapy and Comunity Music programmes of M&R, Prima Materia is in Lebanon for participation in Assumoud's 10th Annual Conference on Mental Health, with a paper presented by Dario Gentili: 'Shared Roots and Chosen Routes: Indentity and Community Care in the Palestinian [...]
M&R at the 7th Lancet Palestinian Health Alliance Conference
We were honoured to be able to present the results of M&R music therapy at the LPHA conference in Amman, 7-8 March 2016. The conference brought medics and researchers from many countries together to discuss strategies for supporting the health of Palestinians living under permanent harassment and threat by the [...]
Journey to MARS!
We have just embarked on a new voyage, thanks to a UE funded Erasmus+ project coordinated by the International Music Council (France) for the development of an online resource centre and specialized training course for psycho-social music interventions in deprived and marginalised communities, in Europe and beyond. We are proud [...]
Thank You Tuscany!
We have come to the end of the 2-year period of co-funding granted by the Region of Tuscany, which has enabled us to consolidate our work with Beit Atfal Assumoud and to develop future threads to follow. Here is the Music Therapy Research Report. Coming soon: the video-synthesis of activities [...]
2015 in review
The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2015 annual report for this blog. Here's an excerpt: A San Francisco cable car holds 60 people. This blog was viewed about 850 times in 2015. If it were a cable car, it would take about 14 trips to carry that many people. [...]
A new report is online
Another year of project just ended with plenty of activities, important results and news. Some parts of the project were reinforced, some others just started and were implemented during the last missions. The main points in last year's "Music and Resilience" project are reported in the final documentation. Here is [...]
A happy ending
With a final training and follow-up led by Deborah we have closed the operative part for the project Psycho-Social Music Training which we have been developing with Nai Foundation (Austria) and Sonbola Education Initiative (Lebanon). Over the next weeks we will be finalizing the documentation and final accounting. Read here [...]
Professional Music Therapy Training in Italy for 2 Assumoud psychologists
Mohamad Orabi and Liliane Younes, Assumoud psychologists, have just completed the first step towards their Music Therapy Diplomas from the Assisi Music Therapy School. Read the full report: Eng. report training Assisi 2015 Thanks to Ulaia Artesud, Rome, the Tavola Valdese and 'Pro Civitate Cristiana' Assisi for funding and support.
Orientation Meeting for Volunteers
We held our 2nd M&R Orientation Meeting, 10th-11th July, for volunteers and training students. Liliane Younes and Mohamad Orabi from Assumoud were with us, and were able to update information about the project's development. 2 music therapy training students from the Assisi school will be with us in Lebanon in [...]
Project news, July 2015
M&R opens a new exciting chapter today, with the arrival in Italy of Liliane Younes and Mohamad Orabi, Assumoud psychologists and music therapy trainees since 2012. Liliane and Mohamad will participate in our Orientation meeting for volunteers, 10-11 July. Then they will attend the first year of the Music Therapy [...]