Between Chaos and Creativity: Music Therapy with 'Traumatised' Children in South Africa Author(s) Pavlicevic, M. Publisher Journal of British Music Therapy (APMT/BSMT) Year 1994 Type Text Keywords trauma, children, South Africa, chaos, creativity, music therapy
Psychosocial Care and Protection of Children in Emergencies, a Field Guide Author(s) Arntson, L., Knudsen, C. Publisher Save the Children Federation inc. Year 2004 Type Text Keywords psychosocial support, children
The role of social support in the acculturation and mental health of unaccompanied minor asylum seekers Author(s) Oppedal, B., Idsoe, T. Publisher John Wiley & Sons Year 2015 Type Text Keywords social support, acculturation, mental health, asylum seekers, children